Thursday, August 14, 2008

Grandma Linders made Walter a Sweater...

Yesterday we went up to Fleet Farm, with Grandma Linders. I picked her up, and she came walking down the driveway with something in her hands that was brightly colored. She had crocheted a sweater for Walter, that is a rainbow of colors. She said it's supposed to be a size 2, but not the case. It BARELY fits him now.

I got home and I had to try it on him, for optimal photo fun, I was laughing hysterically just trying to get him dressed. It was reminiscent of "A Christmas Story," when the mom is dressing the younger brother to go out in Winter time. Walter was whining, I could barely get it over his huge head, and then to try to get his hands in the arms of the sweater, was a greater challenge yet! They seemed a mile long, and trying to find his fingers and pull his fat little arms through, just made me laugh. I brought him out and showed Ryan, who said, "What are you doing to him? Oh my goodness..." Dapper (one of our dogs) was wondering what I was doing also, and was looking at me like I was a terrible mom for forcing this on my son.

We also played dress up with our Napoleon Dynamite wig earlier that day. I think Walter likes it because he looks like he has so much more hair. He felt just as normal with it on, as without it. What a goof.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Walter's 1st Birthday Party & 4th Annual Chili Feed!

Pierce County Fair & August Updates

Summer is going by so quickly. Walter will be 1 year old on September 25th! It's crazy how quickly this year has gone. He has now 7 teeth, and has taken up to 4 steps at once without falling over. He's doing really well.

This past weekend we went to the Pierce County Fair. Walter LOVED the petting zoo, especially the goats that tried to eat his fingers. He thought they were tickling him, and he'd just giggle. He also got to pet some calfs, a buffalo calf, reindeer, fainting goats, and potbellied pigs. He tried fair french fries and funnel cake because mom and dad couldn't finish it all. We also took a gander at Walter's 2nd cousin's pigs that were judged.

Sunday I (Heather) sang at St. John's Lutheran church in Spring Valley, WI. Walter and Dad mingled with the older ladies and had coffee while I set up. Walter flirted big time, and once he stepped out of his shyness, he showed off his toothy grin to all of the women. He also flirted during the sermon, with a 5 year old girl. He would have won her over, if he didn't fall down and hit his head on the pew. Darn his feet! He has plenty of time to chase women though...What am I in for!?! Ha.

I processed my first batch of tomatoes last night. The garden is going well, I'm staying on top of it as of late. I'm just waiting for the tomatoes to redden up so that I can really make some salsa & juice. Not a whole lot else going on, but planning for Walter's birthday party. Which if you are reading this, you will be invited to. October 4th, 2008. 2 pm. Our home. Please join us for his party & our 4th annual chili cook-off. It's so much fun!